Goldilocks’ gadget gag reel: deskology

When I finally got an at home job, I totally celebrated… …by morphing into Quasimodo. I failed to prepare (buy a decent desk setup) for my new computer based career and I paid for it, ultimately. My whole body became one, singular tight muscle a mere month after starting work. Was it this bad in college? How come my neck, rotator cuff, and back didn’t bother me so much back.. Read More

Deskperiments: treadmill setup

Yikes. Just seeing these desk-jockeys take to a conveyor belt that perpetually propels them away from their PC’s made me a bit nauseated. Most of them didn’t seem to enjoy it much either. The problem with this setup is the same reason they tell you not to hold onto the sides on a regular treadmill. When we bipedal creatures trot naturally, we counter-rotate (arm swing opposing hip swing). To repeatedly.. Read More

Martians and magnets and god – oh Mind!

What if I told you god was a magnet? That’s right. Magnets may do more than inspire doggy doody-direction. For those of you who see toilet time as a religious experience anyway, this logic may all fall together quite nicely. For those of you still furrowing your forehead, lemme ‘splain. Reports have come from people in the past before they died that they saw their clone (or “doppelganger”) – like.. Read More

“Top” dog – why she shiz-spins.

Anyone else’s dog do this? No, I’m not referring to the canine constitutional itself. Rather, the relentless spinning is what I mean. My dog does this without fail, every time we take to the trail. It’s time consuming enough to get this bitch to finally find a favorable locale for fecal relinquishment. But even after my dog detects the best dumping ground, she’s still not done making me wait. Phase.. Read More