Vet snipes pet in her downtime; proudly tweets cat corpse

Sure, you’ve seen doctors who tell you not to smoke – between death-rattle emphysema coughs. Or dentists with teeth that look like an anvil was playing hopscotch on a piano. But have you ever seen a vet… murder a housepet? Veterinarian Kristen Lindsey sure wanted the world to see it when she not only went all Daryl from Walking Dead on a tabby and shot him through the head with.. Read More

And now for a very large dog. And a very large cat.

Well, it’s happened. A thought translated into vibrations in my vocal cords until it reached air, carrying intelligible significance. Just barely, tho. It was a quote from a car commercial. (With a slight tweak: “That’s not a real puppy… that’s too big to be a real puppy…” ) But you just might say it too, after seeing “Hulk”: This behemoth pit bull embodies that whole “big friendly giant” concept in.. Read More

Life hack analysis by cranky cat

I love useless nuggets of knowledge. You know who else loves them? Curmudgeonly cats. (That’s right. We don’t have to use the names or fonts they do. We’re adults! We do what we want!) So instead of hearing my musings about a page of bright ideas I’ve stumbled across, let’s see the infamously cross philosofurry’s critique on these questionably random reality challenge hacks. Great. This will help me when I.. Read More