Four winged dinosaur? Mmyes. I’m listening…

So… a four winged dinosaur was discovered! I dunno man. While the science kid in me was totally enchanted when I first heard this, the let’s-ruin-christmas-for-myself side of me was like… “wouldn’t that just slow it down? Or make it go in big vertical circles?” How the eff’s that supposed to work? Indeed, Changyuraptor yangi – the majestic relic related to velociraptor – did manage to “find a way”. Magic?.. Read More

Quiz: Would YOU die in a desert?

Results are in. I’d only ten percent get dead in the desert. Let’s see if you are any better ‘n me: The answer is B. Or 2. Shelter from the elements. It’s just as cold at night as it is boiling by day in the desert, so protection from the sizzling sun and hypothermic chill alike are of utmost importance. As you can see from the still, Franco is super.. Read More

Look what SCIENCE found! Another earth!

Goldilocks was a lucky ass bitch. All she had to do was forage for porridge and then determine which mattress to steal for her nap. Like most self-entitled American princesses, she didn’t have to worry about stuff like “Find oxygen, water, and habitable temperatures”. In that way, we’re all pretty lucky. For now. We get to breathe air. That’s a pretty big goddamned deal. But many moons from now (waves.. Read More

RetroTweet: Spoiler Alert Addition

On today’s episode of Retro Tweets, I interact with mildly famous Twitter accounts (that is what that blue check means, no?) manned by admins I don’t know: @WhatTheFFacts Did Simon and Garfunkel sue him? — ashley (@Ashley_Olds) February 2, 2014 (The only musical duo that didn’t bore me when they did the whole track to a movie) “@Discovery: All clams are born as males, but can later turn into a.. Read More