Homeless: Stop and help? Or stop helping?

Okay, this isn’t the first time I’ve seen this kind of story on the news: But something bothered me on a couple different levels as I was watching the piece. While I couldn’t quite put my finger on it at first, I think a lot of it has to do with the way the story’s being shared on the media. First, I suppose something about innocent-till-proven-guilty makes sharing their personal.. Read More

Spotlight on V. Scott – how an open mind closes in on goals

It’s amazing what we can accomplish, keeping an open mind while acting on passion. Wanting to make a difference might start with something already awesome like this: (Coat for the homeless that transforms into a sleeping bag and carrying bag.) But as it gains momentum, the same sentiment that inspired the coat can lead to changing lives on a mass scale. And that’s exactly what Veronika Scott of the Empowerment.. Read More

Surprise! You’re on asshole camera!

You know, I like this idea – of “making the homeless visible”. But something about this video that’s gone viral struck me wrong: People passing their loved ones on the street probably had a fleeting thought of, “Gee, that looks like Bobby!” followed by the sad thought of “what if he really didn’t have a home?” and then “Gee I’m lucky not to have fallen on hard times” (followed by.. Read More