In defense of offensive language

Ah, profanity. It can be such a relief to let loose those aggressive little words. And according to science, it just might not be such a bad thing all the time. Not terribly unlike Jay and Bob, I too grew up in a house where we would all occasionally morph into Linda Blair and vomit out a cocktail of lewd invectives from a spinning head when we felt powerless or.. Read More

Pardon My Profanity

Ah… the wonderful the world of profanity. You stub your toe: “SH*T!” The asshat in front of you stops because the light JUST barely turned yellow and you both totally could have made it to work on time: “MOTHER F*CK!” Your computer won’t load quickly enough. You drop a fork on the ground and have to pick it up. You try to use your defroster while the sticker is still.. Read More