Twitter – Simplicity, Spitballing, and SEO

Remember when Twitter first started? Yeah. Me either. It took me years to even set up an account, much less use it. Actually, the only reason I did was because my then-boyfriend said something like, “Twitter is for assholes.” Naturally, I saw it as a chance to spark conflict and have someone to take my misdirected femme-rage out on. So I set one up. Only problem is: when you limit.. Read More

RetroTweet: Spoiler Alert Addition

On today’s episode of Retro Tweets, I interact with mildly famous Twitter accounts (that is what that blue check means, no?) manned by admins I don’t know: @WhatTheFFacts Did Simon and Garfunkel sue him? — ashley (@Ashley_Olds) February 2, 2014 (The only musical duo that didn’t bore me when they did the whole track to a movie) “@Discovery: All clams are born as males, but can later turn into a.. Read More