MINDBLOW: Makeup Manipulation

Not even 24 hours later, the answer to yesterday’s blog came to me. Why do we love makeup? The same reason we acquire men (or women)… or anything else we get for that matter, only to realize it isn’t right for us until it’s too late. Sure, the “substance” might be nice, but that’s not why we want it. My sophomore year graphic design teacher had it right when she.. Read More

Pedobear Documentary

Watching a documentary on men who dig younger chicks when I remembered a photo I’d been meaning to “meme” for some time… Instead of embedding, I’ve linked it via my Ashley original pic above. I myself have barely begun the movie, so I’ll just have to “update” this blog if and when I finish it. Already I’m in light disagreement with some of what I’m hearing, but subjects like these.. Read More