The grateful wrath

Anger is good for you? Insert eyeroll and inner monologue: “Now I’ve heard it all…” No, really. Anger apparently isn’t so bad – if you can figure out the “why” behind the wrath – and what to do about it. Ahem. Rephrase – what to productively do about it. I love wreaking havoc. In fact the empty cupboards once filled with now shattered china, are an epic testament to my.. Read More

Life hack analysis by cranky cat

I love useless nuggets of knowledge. You know who else loves them? Curmudgeonly cats. (That’s right. We don’t have to use the names or fonts they do. We’re adults! We do what we want!) So instead of hearing my musings about a page of bright ideas I’ve stumbled across, let’s see the infamously cross philosofurry’s critique on these questionably random reality challenge hacks. Great. This will help me when I.. Read More