Buttered uppers in a cup: bulletproof coffee

“And would you like skim, whole, soy, or butter in that?” Excuse me? Butter? Yes, that. Apparently, the performance-enhancing legal drug we all know and love is realizing even more of a boost. I dunno if the butterbeers of the Three Broomsticks ever had any better spells than our own libations, but this buttered coffee sure sounds like wizardry. But just because it’s called “bulletproof coffee” doesn’t mean you use.. Read More

“Being with child” is viral, says science

Hey lady moms! Is your life giving quality just your nether-cat being a copy-cat? Hey, don’t shoot those laser eyes at me, I’m just reporting what science has to say about this. In a study published in the American Sociological review, indeed it seems that the manifestation of life by the vaj is ultra viral. In the internet sense of the term, at least. The idea is that if you’re.. Read More

Barkbuddy – cruise for rescue canines

“Tinder for dogs”? Wait what? So, it’s like dog dating? Or puppy prostitution? Play-dating? (Sorry, to let you down, Deuce Bigalow – but my little lady’s already spade). Actually, not so much. This new app has more to do with joining up humans and adoptable hounds and less to do with inter-mutt meetups. And the guys who also own Barkbuddy are responsible for this magnificence that keeps us from having.. Read More

Hurricane names: can being a sexist kill you?

My first hurricane experience came after I moved to New Orleans. I remember thinking two things: 1. This is magnificent (as I jogged down the trolley tracks of St. Charles against the violent shoving wall of wind, pelted by shards of rain, and seeing furling black clouds rolling toward me like oceanic waves of ebony gas) and 2. This is stupid! No, I don’t mean running in a hurricane is.. Read More