Lower the thermostat to battle bad fat from your mattress

Want to burn off that McShit on a bun sammich you ate at lunch? Why not make more brown fat to battle it in your sleep, then? Via a nice chilly slumber? Indeed, the key to burning just might be freezing in bed. Our whole perspective on adipose altered a bit when we learned that not all fat’s bad. We suddenly had to learn that while white fat still is.. Read More

Puff, puff, puss – new THC lube on the market

Ever get your rocks off while stoned? (That’s right. We’re starting with a zinger today.) No, of course not. Because pot makes you lazy (see: generalization based on men I should have never dated). But wouldn’t it be great if you could combine the highs of natural, primal ecstasy with whatever it is in weed that people seem to like and I can’t relate to? Well, your prayers have been.. Read More

Ebola – now available in the U.S.!

Let’s say you have ebola. There’s at least a 50% chance that you’re going to die a horrible domino effect of shutting down organ systems as you hemhorrage from every orifice you own (sorryboutit). And there’s no official known cure yet. Whatchya gonna do? Well, the answer for a couple missionaries visiting over in Africa was to bring it back home. To be fair here, though, I can honestly say.. Read More