November 27, 2014 – Miss Ashley Pants

A very unboring board game…

Given the “men get domestically abused too, but no one cares” trend lately, I’m happy to share this woman: Looks so bedraggled, you’d think she got the beating. Nope! This woman went straight to jail without collecting $200. But if you add another zero to that figure, that’s Alyssa Ferraro’s bail – for slapping her dude across the face during an intense match of Monopoly. And despite not bothering to.. Read More

Being a paintball target pays HOW much?

As I lay face down in dirt and injured on that beautiful day in 2008, I thought: “I… do … not.. *cough*… get paid enough for this.” Meanwhile, the monstrous dog (Arden was his name) that’d just pulled me down danced clumsily around me, celebrating his victory. I was working at a vet back then. And the thing is, falls and scrapes and bruises came with the territory. I knew.. Read More