Inconsiderate ass-grabs.

Who? Oh, just my neighbors. Since I moved in years ago, their foot stomping and kid shouting was consistent and annoying right away. I met the chick, though, and she seemed nice (a young grandmother) enough. She watches her grandchildren for her daughter, so I tried to have some sympathy for a woman managing a bunch of disobedient little shits kids.

Before long, however, the domestic quarrels began. There was door slamming, screaming, crap crashing around their home, etc. A year or so ago, it got so bad, I made an anonymous call to the police – more out of concern for whoever might be getting hurt, than my personal discomfort.


It might be this one dude she lives with (or has over all the time) who is I-shit-you-not bathsalt style crazy. He came up to me once in the parking lot, insisting that I come hang out with them, giving me a compliment (which would have been flattering if he’d provided more than 0 centimeters between us as he did it), and that our personal interaction was more important than me getting to work on time (which is where I was trying to head). Then (keep in mind I didn’t know this dood from Adam), he literally bear hugged and lifted me off the ground, wrenching out my already fkked up spine.

Surrounding that, there have been early mornings where I’ve left for work (6:30 AM) and they both seem very much out of their minds/clearly were finishing up a night of illegal something-or-other activity… judging by their eyes… and sniffling… and peering out of the common area exit window like they were expecting the FBI to arrive soon and haul them off to Groom Lake.


Yeah… I’ve carried Mace for a while now.

Anyway, it’s gotten worse though, and I think I know why. The other day, when I asked how she (the main owner of the apartment) was doing, she seemed pissed off and told me about how “someone complained about the noise”. I assured her it wasn’t me (since her body language toward me implied that she thought it was), and further explained how I was sympathetic to her babysitting duties, and how that has to be difficult to manage all those tots with all that energy (without adding the bit about the constant rows they have), after which she lightened up and seemed nice to me again. Yet, that is very telling. When everyone else in my building is annoyed enough to file independent noise complaints, I know I’m not alone.

Even so, all of that other minutia was stuff with which I personally could maybe deal. But the most disgusting thing has been the chimney-style smoking. It’s so continuous and so thick that sometimes I’m positively sure that they’re smoking their schwag stuffed Swishers right in my fkkn living room. What’s worse, is when I went onto my balcony for some fresh air with my dog today, I found their disgusting cigarette butts all over my lanai.


If it weren’t for the Psycho-saurus Rex that lives with her, I’d totally file a complaint.

However, I don’t want him having a reason to lurk me out in the parking lot again or come banging on my door, which has also happened (PROTIP – If you’re a giant angry looking dude standing on the other side of a SWF’s peephole, she ain’t gonna answer, buddy). Plus, it’d hardly be “anonymous” if I do file one. You’d have to have an IQ of potato (a possibility I haven’t ruled out) not to figure out it was me, given the position of our respective locations. Then again, given the position the cigarette butts themselves fell, I can tell it was 100% intentionally shoved from the cracks of their terrace down onto mine.

…unless, of course, the hurricane has moved this far inland and I’ve mistaken the sounds of violent enough winds to blow their nasty ass remnants onto my deck for a gentle (albeit never-ending) rainfall the past few days.
