Siri’s uselessness forces me into self awareness, yet again.

I shouldn’t eat that before my run… “SIRI: WHY ARE THESE DATES SO DELICIOUS?” I shouldn’t be now physically eating this before my run… “SIRI: WHY CAN’T I STOP EATING THESE DATES?” I shouldn’t be eating this before my run OR asking an effing computer to explain my lack of self-control to me. Such was how yesterday ensued for me. I rarely buy dates or figs anymore because they’re the.. Read More

Sexy British twins try diets to prove if fat or sugar’s worse.

Okay. Verdict’s in on “Which is worse for you: fat or sugar?” And the English Winklevoss twin doctors are here to ‘xplain: Ya know, at first, I hadn’t noticed this was a UK paper. So superficial me thought, “What hotties!” Then, crueler and ever worse superficial me (I’m beginning to think those two are the only sides I have) said “Oh, he said ‘stone’ instead of pounds; that means they’re.. Read More