The Walking Denim: JNCOs resurrected from grave of grade 8

Back when I was in the middle to high school era, the 70’s were making a comeback. The halls were filled with daisies and smiley face tops, platform shoes, and bell bottom jeans that looked like our spindly legs had been supplanted by dual Dysons made of denim. We even resurrected such phrases as “Groovy” and “Keep on truckin’” for god knows what reason. And as I’d traipse off to.. Read More

Tis the season to be squeezin’… into skinny jeans

It’s already September. Which means we all have to ask ourselves: Are we ready for skinny jean season? I was born ready, bish. Sure, Fall’s here. But if you’re like me, you might be living somewhere in which the pagan gods are still blessing you with an Indian Summer…. Native American Summer. …still warm weather. Which means we still have time – so don’t stow those breathable bottoms just yet… Read More

Bad HyJeans: Strange fashion hacks

How often do you wash your blue jeans? Fashion says… this is a trick question. And that you should never wash your jeans. Well, not never. But almost. Instead, major designers dabbling in denim fashion dictate a “once every few months” (if that) actual machine wash to keep crisp or whatever jeans are meant to do. And in between that? The advice is essentially an abbreviated gag reel of unconventional.. Read More