I still don’t know what these songs I’m singing mean.

As I was indulging my 90’s nostalgia, by melodically lamenting my loser status worthy of death, I wondered to myself, “Did Beck make this nonsense because they had a catchy tune they knew everyone would sing along to regardless of how ridiculous the lyrics are?” Then I got to thinking of some other songs lacking significance to sheltered pre-pubescent me. For example: Lakini’s Juice, by Live. Pepper, by Butthole Surfers… Read More

Blatant Lines

When that one Robin Thicke song came out, I didn’t get it. Not “it” as in the song meaning – but “it” as in the brouhaha behind just another one of many misogynistic ditties. Rapey or not, the concept’s not unique to music. Some say the song (which is kind of open to interpretation) perpetuates rape culture. Pharrell (who worked on it and helped hit-itize the tune) told Oprah it.. Read More