Sandy vaj? There’s a tablet for that.

Do you want to take the blue pill? Or the pink pill? Well, if we’re talking about libido boosters versus making some moral decision about saving the world, it’s pretty simple. We’re all well aware that the notorious “blue pill” is for boys. But what you may not know is that there’s now a pink one, as well – for girls gone dry. And while that’d make a fun title.. Read More

If I ever relapse, it’ll be on something like this…

Though I’m living a clean life, I still get curious about mind-altering substances. Funny thing is, though, in my past they’d have been the subduing sorta stuff – the anxiety reducers, the sedatives, the things that wrap you up in a nice emotional fleece and tell you the lie that everything’s alright even though you’re failing to meet life or any of your goals halfway while half a decade passes.. Read More

Down to brass tacks on uppers

Ah, college. It’s really easy to reflect on that little bubble of time where everything was possible and my only job was to study and make A’s. Often, I’ll idealize that window of time in my brain. The truth is, I worked really hard and played really hard. And sometimes I played really hard while I worked really hard. About eight years out from when I departed the collegiate womb,.. Read More