Science tells us we’re crapping wrong.

You know, I critique my dog’s OCD shitting ritual all the time. But maybe I have no room to speak. Because, according to science, I and the rest of my culture are (like so many things in our lives) doing it wrong. Unless, of course we have one of those ass-istive emission devices. I recently joked around about making my own toilet for weight loss, but I was reminded today.. Read More

“Top” dog – why she shiz-spins.

Anyone else’s dog do this? No, I’m not referring to the canine constitutional itself. Rather, the relentless spinning is what I mean. My dog does this without fail, every time we take to the trail. It’s time consuming enough to get this bitch to finally find a favorable locale for fecal relinquishment. But even after my dog detects the best dumping ground, she’s still not done making me wait. Phase.. Read More