What’s that smell?

The first time I came home from college, the house I grew up in seemed so different. I couldn’t figure out how… But it’s the same thing that happens after a long holiday away or having just spent the summer at camp. It all seems so foreign. From the outer façade, to the windows, to the walls, till the sweat drips down my balls because where the fork and knife.. Read More

I can smell your text.

Remember that prank Google played a while back? About scratching and sniffing your iphone or something? Well, it’s not so far-fetched a concept anymore. Some nutty professors over at the Olfactive Project have come up with a device called the oPhone. And, as demonstrated by this dude (who looks like Vincent D’Onofrio and Mark Ruffalo’s lovechild), you can send something as recognizable as espresso via text. (Wait…Who types like that?.. Read More