You know, I get that we need to test on animals to find cures for things ‘n stuff. But if we’re gonna carry on with intentionally pumping human level cognitive powers into them, we’d better gear up for an uprising. Somehow, I can’t imagine that when these humanized lab rats I’m reading about find out how shitty we’re treating all the non-humans of the world, they’re gonna be alright with.. Read More
Just say no to nocebo sorcerers.
Aside from the hand-holding part at the end, I kinda liked this TED talk on how the mind can heal the body. As she went into a plethora of different examples about how stage 4 cancer and AIDS patients respectively experienced shrunken tumors and became HIV negative, Rankin brought up something I kinda never thought about. The first part’s obvi: We can make our bodies better with our brains. But.. Read More
Turning water pods into whine
I was ultra bummed the second he said it: “Oh, by the way, it’s in a residence – just so you know.” A residence? No. Thank you. Maybe if I wasn’t scheduling to come into a business, take my clothes off my body, and lay in a pod of water for two hours, I’d be fine. For some reason, I was so much more okay with that concept during my.. Read More
Can dogs make us less douchey?
“Whatever.” “Look, I’m only gonna be gone for like an hour- tops.” “Fine. All’s I’m saying is that I’m going to take a dump right where you’re standing. Like, as soon as you leave.” This is the conversation my ten year old shih-tzu and I have every day before I lock her behind the walls of my apartment prison. It used to be a lot more dramatic – clutching my.. Read More
Orwellian ovarian overlords: snatch spies are hacking your hormones online
We’ve become accustomed (somehow) to the fact that everything’s monitored when we web surf. But what about when we women folk are surfing that… plus our lady tides simultaneously? Well, if Mr. Hall worked for the right marketing companies, he might tell Cher he already knew that. Because this is apparently a new thing happening. In I-told-you-so news, marketers can now get their hands on your flow info – if.. Read More
Is “adipositivity” detrimental to health?
I’m just gonna leave this here for a moment: This is one of many images in the “Adipositivity Project” by photographer Substantia Jones. And while I can agree that, yes, Miss Jones can take the hell outta’a snapshot – regardless of what’s in the frame – I’d be lying if I said that obesity itself is beautiful. And hear me out before I get crucified for fat shaming people. ‘cause.. Read More
This deceptive opposite of a tampon may save Iranian women.
Well, I’ve heard of faking an orgasm. But faking chastity? That just sounds like something you’d hear of happening in one of those countries where you get 86’d from marriage if you’re hymen-ally challenged. You know? The ones where the traditional folk all gather as a family to hear the new bride get pried opened like a birthday gift? Yes, it sounds awfully off to me. Grandma and the crew.. Read More
My physical therapist deserves churches established in his honor
As promised, I finally returned to P.T. And for the first night in over a year, I slept for about six straight hours. And woke up with almost no pain. That – pain – is a daily companion of mine. I wake with it wagging its tail like the opposite of a welcome house pet who subsequently demands to be acknowledged and dealt with throughout the remainder of the day… Read More
KFC’s made edible coffee cups. Because there’s nothing Americans won’t eat.
Jesus, KFC. I was kidding when I said that it’d be a great idea to make Heart Attack Grill a fast food chain. (Actually, I wasn’t – but I was hoping I’d get to be the one heading it and thus profiting from it; but that’s alright. Moving on.) On the heels of the blood clogging news that was Kentucky Fried’s double down dog, now comes a novelty coffee. One.. Read More
This phone charging furniture is almost good enough for me.
Finally, a product worth purchasing – and from Ikea – no less. The impossible to assemble furniture maker announced recently it’d be constructing those awesome wireless-charging nightstands and lamps you see in the hotels… for your home. I can’t effectively share how much I love this idea, and no it’s not just cuzza the name of the product they’ll be incorporating (Qi – though I do like it, ‘cause isn’t.. Read More