This is just a quick memo for all you high school members of the male species. Especially the ones hitting on me as I escape society for an afternoon woodsy run. Hello, children. My name is MissAshleyPants. And I’m here to shed some light on the very important topic of “cougars”. Ya see, I get that it’s nice to have a notch in your belt carved deeply by the sharp.. Read More
School dress codes: fight for your right to bawdy body duds.
“Ashley, you’re going to need to put on a sweater. That’s too distracting.” Had the high school teacher who said this to me not been so nice, my ready made reply would’ve been, “For whom? Students? Or (*pause to issue elevator eyes*) teachers?” And this exchange (both the IRL compliance and this hypothetical conversation happening in my head) was exactly what I thought of as I read over VICE’s latest.. Read More
Tag! Is 15 year old YOU in any of these snappies?
Hi there If you were linked to this, you probably have that same “Oh shit… How bad did I look?” feeling we all had a million years ago when we finally got back a pack of party pics from the weekend. This was when you’d have to wait at least an hour to see if a “retake” was needed, had to buy a whole new roll of film to.. Read More