high school – Miss Ashley Pants

Rocking Puma doesn’t mean I am one, boys. #keepmovin

This is just a quick memo for all you high school members of the male species. Especially the ones hitting on me as I escape society for an afternoon woodsy run. Hello, children. My name is MissAshleyPants. And I’m here to shed some light on the very important topic of “cougars”. Ya see, I get that it’s nice to have a notch in your belt carved deeply by the sharp.. Read More

School dress codes: fight for your right to bawdy body duds.

“Ashley, you’re going to need to put on a sweater. That’s too distracting.” Had the high school teacher who said this to me not been so nice, my ready made reply would’ve been, “For whom? Students? Or (*pause to issue elevator eyes*) teachers?” And this exchange (both the IRL compliance and this hypothetical conversation happening in my head) was exactly what I thought of as I read over VICE’s latest.. Read More

Tag! Is 15 year old YOU in any of these snappies?

Hi there 🙂 If you were linked to this, you probably have that same “Oh shit… How bad did I look?” feeling we all had a million years ago when we finally got back a pack of party pics from the weekend. This was when you’d have to wait at least an hour to see if a “retake” was needed, had to buy a whole new roll of film to.. Read More