Co-slumbering’s…. good for you? Pssh-zzzzz

Science says that sleeping with somebody is good for you. Unless they mean in the colloquial, porking-someone-on-the-reg kinda way, I’mma call bullshit. “That was nice. Now leave. I’ve still got an hour before the alarm and I didn’t get this hot by playing snooze spoons.” And my premature judgment based on only my own personal life experiences is likely at least half right, to be fair. Because science also says.. Read More

Is science going Moreau fo’ real?

A lot of my long, boring rants on the latest scientific findings rely – at their core – on mice to prove their points. Optogenetics. Addiction studies. Habit hacking. They all refer back to some study or series of studies in which lab rats, mice, or some sorta rodent was used. Which probably leaves a lot of non-scientists wondering… Um…What the fluff do we have in common with these creatures?.. Read More

World’s tallest rollercoaster? Thanks but no thanks…

Many moons ago, in high school Psychology, I remember learning about “flooding” to conquer fears. I half thought it was a bunch of bullshit, but I was slightly more open minded then, so I gave it a try. If you slept through that class, “flooding” is basically this thing you’re meant to do when you have a fear you want to get over – just inundate yourself with the terrifying.. Read More

Who are you? Who cares!

I heard an interesting quote today: “There is no authentic self. Identity is always a work in progress” Hmmm… Not… bad. Just needs a few tweaks to not be wrong. What makes sense to me is this: First the “authentic self” and “identity” are two different animals. You can totally believe in an authentic self – so long as you also accept that there is no moment that matters except.. Read More