Dear Todd, as I’m sure you know, it’s almost my birthday and I just wanted to remind you that when that day arrives, you’ll still have roughly a week to obtain a court order for a withdrawal from the race for senate. Great news, right?! Don’t wait too long to make it official, sweetie.

If you’re all lost, I’m referencing this gem:

When I first heard this, I thought “Is there a bodily function going on with the female plumbing that Mrs. Benderoth forgot to teach me back in middle school Sex Ed?” What could he possibly mean by, “The female body has ways of shutting that whole thing down” if it’s a “legitimate rape”?

Even if he was attempting to convey that a raped woman who is truly upset enough will miscarry, it’s still such a ridiculous assessment, that no one would dare say it out loud at all, much less as an argument. Can that happen? Yes. However, it’s a negligible enough amount to make the statement irrelevant with respect to law making. That would be like saying that a particular stereotype for a racial minority sometimes holds true, so we’re going to pass a law to hold the whole race accountable for it.

I can confidently say that women who have endured such a sadistic act, rise above it, try to piece their dignity back together, and continue on with life. When you experience such a heinous happenstance, your psychological effects on your physiological processes may initially be disturbed. However, if you’re strong and attempt to come back from it with positivity, they will return to normal, thus allowing your body to proceed with a normal pregnancy.

So, are you saying I have to keep thinking miserable thoughts so that I can auto-detonate the time bomb in my belly? Kill the critter via concentration? Try to tele-bort it?

The fact that you can overcome such a nightmare doesn’t make you any less raped, you asshat.

Maybe it’s silly of me to expect someone who *looks* like a rapist to be sympathetic toward those who have actually been victimized by one…

Seriously…when I say something that stupid, I want to hide my face from the world. Everyone else has to build my ego back up and convince me, “Oh… it wasn’t that bad!”. Contrarily, although everyone else is embarrassed for him, he’s the only one deluded enough to believe that pushing forward toward a senate seat is best. Even I was embarrassed for him and his asinine display, when he further exacerbated his situation via an attempted “apology”.

It was just a deeper hole into humiliation.

This guy will say anything to get a senate seat. He doesn’t care about American people and he certainly doesn’t care about women. It’s one thing to oppose or support something because of your religion, personal convictions, etc. – but that’s not what’s happening here. He’s just a title hungry faker. I realize I may have described a lot of politicians with that last statement; but at least they generally make an effort to seem genuine, versus vomiting out a plethora of platitudes.

In case I’ve lost you again, you need only know this: The statement, “I used the wrong words in the wrong way” is “Akin” to: “I accidentally spoke my mind and failed to sugarcoat my terse statement with a bullshit euphemism appealing enough to aid in my acquisition of the office I so deeply covet”.
