So, this impoverished Brazilian chick wants to sell her virginity because she thinks it’ll make a lot of money:

Not since Black, has another Rebecca had quite as much attention – both on Youtube and riding on her red bicycle through town (like some symbolic scarlet letter) while the townspeople throw coins at her.

*Cue to bad joke about collecting the coin bullets, if she’s as poor as she says she is.*

She was apparently inspired by another girl (who was considerably hotter and going to have a film crew document the before and after, wherein the “between” would transpire in the friendly skies to avert dealings with prostitution laws).

Asked what I thought about this spectacle by a fellow Facebooker, I refrained from my original comment. Not everyone “gets” my charming facetious sense of humor, after all. But you do, and that’s why I love you:


At the risk of murdering a marvelous joke with the tri-syllabic “just kidding” phrase, I’ll say of this that my honest opinion regarding the matter would be summed up in a new Ashleyism for whatever this new V-Auctioning is: Prizetitution.

It’s is a fitting term for two reasons: Firstly, men “prize” taking a chick’s V card. That much is obvious, or else these betches wouldn’t have sold it for thousands. Secondly, the “pri” part (as in “primary”) signifies “first”. Thus, what better way to categorize this very special version of virgin prostitution than Prizetitution?

We'll pop some champagne AND your cherry!
We’ll pop some champagne AND your cherry!
