I have about four emotions I bounce between in life: Rage, misery, annoyed, and entertained.

To be fair, there are a few other companion emotions to the former ones – like disgust and disappointment, but my bar is pretty high when it comes to the latter. Hence, my heavy endorsement of richardland. Usually, the regular personal video vlogs are your best bet, but even when he’s playing film maker, the hilarity is in the post production elements.

Today’s theater review? House of Wax, compliments of Richard’s cousins.

After managing to stretch out the “Smoke the pole” joke (regarding promiscuous Paris) for a record two minutes and thirty seconds, Ted Bundy and Gay Steve-O reviewed whatever else happened in the 2004 film “House of Wax”.

(Click to view...duh)
(Click to view…duh)

I personally couldn’t remember much else transpiring during this movie. Like, at all. So, thankfully, I had Richie B’s necrophiliac relatives to help aid me in my journey to recall this very important matter. It looks like I was right. That’s all that happened… all movie long….

Sidenote: You really had to feel for poor Richard, and could almost imagine him during the editing process…. “Where am I possibly going to find anymore footage of Hilton stripping to splice into this running gag (pardon the pun) about Paris taking the pole through every hole… (including *spoiler* some newly created ones)? Oh… right. Anywhere. Anywhere on the web at all…”
