What’s the logic behind tying a dog to train tracks?

Generally, I at least try to see the other side of a seemingly illogical act. Even acts of cruelty by people who are nothing like me. But when it came to this horrific story about a dog who was tied to the train tracks and shot before being rescued by a cop, I had a little trouble. So, I started dismantling my dome to seek any possible reasoning someone totally.. Read More

T.V. psychos are normal people. Who slay pet rabbits. And eat them.

I still haven’t finished the Sons of Anarchy finale, but you know what I did see? An interview. With Charlie Hunnam. Using his real accent. The one I didn’t know he had. As I started hearing him relay an anecdote about his house getting burgled in this Christopher Walken meets British royal voice, I had one of those moments of what the Toltec’s called “mitote” and modern people call cognitive.. Read More