#FindDancingMan: Cruelty turned into kindness by life-winners.

“Y’can sit here if ya want to…” It was such an effing heartwarming moment in my childhood – hearing Forrest Gump get his first friend invitation en route to school. That iconic movie moment’s always stuck with me (along with a litany of other over-uttered lines issued from everyone I know in their best and lowest laryngeal tone). And it’s always what comes to mind when I see and hear.. Read More

Waiting for my train to come in…

Some people wait their whole lives for their ship to come in. I, personally, just want my train to come in. Specifically, this one: It’s funny, I was actually talking to my first and last tattoo artist about this yesterday as he installed an itty bitty heart on my ring finger – how much fun it can be riding public transit trains. While I’d love this to happen to me.. Read More

Performance art? LolWut?

Recently, I was enjoying Starbucks with a friend and talking about whatever people discuss at 5 AM between taking selfies and wishing they were still asleep. Somehow, the conversation switched to Marina Abromavic (by somehow, I mean I brought it up, likely out of nowhere) and proceeded to do the whole triple-fail-spectacular where I ask: “Do you know who she is?” and each follow up inuquiry leads to an exponentially.. Read More

Harlem Hounds

For all the effort people are putting into the Harlem Shake videos, I’d expected the original to be pretty awesome once I finally found it. I was sorely mistaken. I suppose internet memes, unlike movies, are an area where the sequels and remakes stand a good chance of outdoing the OG versions, and where the “less is more” rule can simultaneously apply. My case today will be made by dancing.. Read More