Root for the villain: Dexterrrrr

… tonight we root for Dexter. Or, ya know. We can just start now while it’s still sunny. Mmmyes. The creators of Dexter got this so very right – and they did an epic job of laying the emotional groundwork from the outset. Season one, episode one shoots an empathy arrow straight into the cardiac cavity of the audience watching with bated breath. It would be quite an undertaking to.. Read More

Dexter’s New Girlfriend

I was re-watching last Sunday’s Dexter (missed the first half when it aired) today post work, when I realized two things. First: “Haxter” – for obvious reasons – would make the ideal portmanteau of their names. Second: Although we all imagined how death table sex might be since season one, it wasn’t any less hot once it finally happened. And letter C – As Haxter initiated the wiener waltz, I.. Read More

Dexter. Maiden Voyage.

After much coaxing and a tad of extra time, I decided to heed my friend Richard’s demand to embark on a DexterThon so that we can ultimately host the ultimate E-SlumberParty; Comprising a slough of furious plunking on our keyboards and phones to one another, and saying things like “OMG wasn’t that one scene the BEST?!!?!!!!1” Were he here, we might also braid hair, paint nails together, giggle, and talk.. Read More