Turning workouts into wine is a MYTH, says scientist himself.

“That’s probably not good for you.” “STFU,” I replied in non-acronym form, as I chugged the remainder of my Merlot. “I mean, not right before you go to the gym.” View post on imgur.com Had he been a fleet of wild horses with Gos’s face, he couldn’t’ve dragged me away from my nightly libations. I mean, my hypocritical boyfriend at the time who’d keep a cigarette in his mouth whenever.. Read More

Some prefer facts. Some preFergu(es)son.

When it comes to Ferguson, you can’t deny the facts. And one thing which will always remain a fact about Ferguson: …is that it was the name of Clarissa’s little brother. Bad joke. Epic gif. Because that’s exactly what I wanna do to the hashtag for this case by now. I didn’t watch the court case on this thing because I didn’t feel like sharing a genuine “whodabadguy” opinion on.. Read More

Confessions and mythconceptions

I need to confess. I did that thing the other day where somebody told me they “never knew” this one crazy fact about a fruit most of us love. And (by omission) I lied. By pretending I never didn’t know it: Why did this person (who will remain unnamed mostly because I encountered them randomly on the interwebz and legit don’t know who they are) and I ever have it.. Read More

Beam me grub, Scotty!

Screw weight watchers and food diaries. Physics is cutting to the core of calorie counting. Consumer Physics, to be specific. With their new device called Scio, you can monitor every morsel you nom before you wear it as a muffin top. Yes – even the ish that doesn’t come in a bag with those annoying guilt tables on the back. The way this technology works is super simple: *ahem* It’s.. Read More