Dark side of the moon

I wasn’t always geekcited about sciency stuff. Had I heard you talk about the moon’s dark side back in high school, I probably would have thought you meant the Pink Floyd album. Now that I’m older, I obviously know better and fully understand that’s its cruel secret side that comes home and kicks the cat before beating the children. But what that very insightful information still doesn’t answer is why.. Read More

Holy intstellar internet timesink, Batman

As I sat sunning myself yesterday, my foot began throbbing. It’s my own fault. My cardio form has been so bad, I imagine I look like some flaccid Gumby push puppet when I take to the treadmill. My tendency to fall into a woe-is-me wallow moment was curtailed when I realized no one was there to cry to. Even my dog was throwing shade at me from the shady spot.. Read More