Look at these troublemakers…

I love a good make-your-intestines-cringe style prank. Especially when it’s got levels to it. My recent fave was the stunt driver chick who didn’t warn her blind dates (I thought it was mostly ‘cause they didn’t ask – but maybe they did and she just lied about it #liesarefun) that she recklessly yet impeccably manned automobiles for a living. Then, there ensued a hidden-cam floorshow of delighted dude shrieks (and.. Read More

You spin me right round like a wrecked-car, baby.

I’m in love with this prank… (Thanks dude at 2:11 for bringing my lockjaw back with your goddamned infectious cackle) …but I have to wonder: what in the world possessed these dudes to get in the car with a perfect stranger? I tend to think it’s that poorly executed flow of convo that happens when people who are kinda nervous and maybe kinda into themselves go on a first date.. Read More

Internet catcall comments IRL: has this been done yet?

On the heels of that “woman walking and getting catcalled” video, I’ve got another idea. One that’s like at least ten percent less serious: internet catcalls on the street. I mean, we’ve all thought about how much worse “harassment” is online than the kind we do IRL, right? It’s the reason people issue restraining orders and bullied kids end up tying nooses from the hanging plant hooks on the ceiling.. Read More