virtual reality – Miss Ashley Pants

Can virtual reality erase our irrational fears?

“Read to me!” I commanded my mother as we sat by the river, tanning. She frowned and replied, “Can’t you read yourself?” “No,” I sadly said, handing her an issue of Psychology Today. “I can only write – they didn’t learn me how to book.” Unamused and with a heavy sigh, my poor mother reluctantly took the magazine. Thusly, she began to relate an interesting virtual reality piece to my.. Read More

Laughing gas? You mean bitch mist?

Virtual reality at the dentist? As a pain reliever? Instead of numbing agents? Or happy gas? What sorcery is this?! Yep. A virtual reality experiment had some surprisingly effective results at the tooth doctor’s office. The claim – that it minimizes pain and anxiety during procedures – seemed to hold up according to the testimonies of the patients themselves. But even more telling was the contraption they were hooked up.. Read More