WHAT THE BLEEP DO WE KNOW? Many movies from about ten years ago might seem slightly dated. Artistically, some of them stand the test of time, and others don’t even have to rely on their dramatic quality because the content is so timeless. What The Bleep Do We Know? is among these, simply because it is more of a documentary delving into the quantum mechanics of life, and how it.. Read More
No Doubt Pulls “Offensive” Music Video
After finally finding No Doubt’s most recently made music video from their latest album, I was really disappointed to learn they yanked it from the interwebs. If you’re late to the party, it happened back around November of last year: Apparently the “cowboy and Native American” parody piece was meant to be exactly that – a satire. Although the group discussed artistic design with Native American experts from UCLA (regarding.. Read More
When Worlds Collide
So, the Milky Way is on a collision course with the Andromeda galaxy. When that happens, it’ll look pretty much like a glitter explosion of light and color. But, not to worry; the sun will probably explode, fizz out, or whatever before that has a chance to transpire. Plus, we’ll all likely be dead by then already, seeing as I have strong faith in the devolution of man until real.. Read More
Richardland Review of “House of Wax”
I have about four emotions I bounce between in life: Rage, misery, annoyed, and entertained. To be fair, there are a few other companion emotions to the former ones – like disgust and disappointment, but my bar is pretty high when it comes to the latter. Hence, my heavy endorsement of richardland. Usually, the regular personal video vlogs are your best bet, but even when he’s playing film maker, the.. Read More
Mile Hymen Club
So, this impoverished Brazilian chick wants to sell her virginity because she thinks it’ll make a lot of money: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tUcyhqEwwj0 Not since Black, has another Rebecca had quite as much attention – both on Youtube and riding on her red bicycle through town (like some symbolic scarlet letter) while the townspeople throw coins at her. *Cue to bad joke about collecting the coin bullets, if she’s as poor as she.. Read More
You Can Ring My Ball…
Okay, we need to settle this once and for all. Is it “Bringing” in the New Year? Or “Ringing” it in? I have a theory: A series of dingbats somewhere, long ago, were put in charge of making New Year’s a huge televised spectacle. One of them was supposed to construct a giant bell, so that it would be a literal “ringing in” of the new annual cycle. However, there.. Read More
Happy 100 Post Day to Me: The 12 bits of X-mas
So, I log in to this blog, to see that I am at exactly 99 posts: I contemplate making a joke about “99 posts and a bitch ain’t one”, but firstly, that would have been inappropriate because I’m almost always kind of a betch in my posts. Secondly, a “bitch” may not have been one of my posts, but a “ho” certainly was (or an e-pimper of one) via this.. Read More
Sorry, Charlie
It was roughly 2003 or 2004 of my college years, when some of my sophisticated acquaintances (roommates, ex boyfriends, random hipsters I’d meet at the local Shesha bar) introduced me to the almighty world of cine-meta: The wonderful works of Charlie Kaufman, Michel Gondry, Chris Cunningham, and the like. As for Mister Kaufman, I came to realize that a great deal of my favorite films had his involvement. Adaptation: Apparently.. Read More
Pardon My Profanity
Ah… the wonderful the world of profanity. You stub your toe: “SH*T!” The asshat in front of you stops because the light JUST barely turned yellow and you both totally could have made it to work on time: “MOTHER F*CK!” Your computer won’t load quickly enough. You drop a fork on the ground and have to pick it up. You try to use your defroster while the sticker is still.. Read More
Artificial Aphrodite – Top Favorite “Icon Chick” Flicks
On a rainy weekend morning, I’m in the mood for a good girly movie. I’ve always been a fan of the glitzy glamor flicks featuring “icon” chicks: Charismatic creatures who lived fast, fiery, fabulous lives, and died young. No, the story isn’t ever 100% who the women really were, but who cares? The entertainment escape and visual delciousness is what it’s all about. Here are the ingredients for my ideal.. Read More