Ever had someone come atchya with an apology? Like, for something super big they did wrong to you? And it was like… half assed? That’s what happened to Hana Mitchels of VICE when her rapist – now in an AA program and seeking amends from her – gave her a call to apologize. But, the thing is, he didn’t yes-and himself with all the stuff a rape victim’d like (and.. Read More
An Emma Watson cat-flash inspired panty line needs to happen.
Whenever I’ve been told before that I look like Sharon Stone, I think two things: 1.) 90’s version? Or now version? and 2.) Is my chick biscuit covered? View post on imgur.com Yes, it is nice, Sharon. But what’s not nice is when it throws an eye surprise party for everyone, like the infamous LiLo committing fanny arson while exiting a car and stepping straight onto the pages of the.. Read More
#30daysofnewthings: the heartest challenge yet?
“I’ve got something you can do for your 30 Days…” my physical therapist told me. Despite my 100% reverence for him, I admittedly wanted to eyeroll. Or smirk. Or both, I’m not sure which. We were both in one’a those “mid-week” kinda moods. But for him, I imagine, it was even more frustrating. After all, I hadn’t been in in two weeks, my spine and hips were all misaligned, and.. Read More
Does your occipital lobe hold cosmic knowledge?
Pulp Fiction’s gansta wasn’t doing any kinda gansta-ass-shiz when he had his aha moment. In fact, it was sandwiched between two such events (dumping a body and sticking up stick up kids) during brunch. View post on imgur.com Much like most of the epiphanies in this movie which muse on about the philosophy of small-fortune milkshakes and what they call cheeseburgers in other parts of the world, it seemed to.. Read More
What we can learn from the Yellowstone wolf eco-effect
So, I just saw this amazing vid on the Yellowstone effect that happened when they added just one species to the mix. The idea was that all these animals were wandering around in this near-dystopian land. A buncha the bastards were eating up all the shrubbery, grazing the landscape away, and making the national park look like a flora infested outdoor crack house. Then, like some magical just-add-water answer, they.. Read More
#30daysofnewthings: some’a this week’s adventures…
“Oh good, you’re just in time,” the crazed thirty year old in a turban said as she answered the door for her mother. To my credit, I’d had a long day and it wasn’t a turban – but a giant towel ‘do completing my freshly washed coif look on evenings such as these. And on this particular evening, I’d almost forgotten to complete my #30daysofnewthings task. So, naturally, I was.. Read More
*Here’s* your acceptable adipositivity
Actually, it’s more like post-adipose derma-positivity. Specifically, I mean those heaps of skin you have left after losing a shiz ton of blobby insulation tissue from your body. Ya know? Like this chick? (The one who got rejected entry from that weight loss mag for not sheathing her excess flesh? The bastards?) Now that’s worthy of a well done, round-of-applause, and a cookie (actually – maybe not on that last.. Read More
Cure for Alzheimer’s? Can I volunteer my makers as tribute?
A popular scripture goes: In the beginning there was sound. That’s the actual translation – sound, vibration, logos, word. All samesies. But, now, thanks to recent research, it may serve as a reboot “in the end” as well – for Alzheimer’s patients. Great news. (Since my pop’s one ask-me-the-same-question-twice-in-5-minutes away from the nursing home I applied to work at.) I sat down to watch a documentary recently called “The Memory.. Read More
What I’d eat from McD’s (if I were 127 hours style starving.)
When a friend posted this… … I did what’s common for people like me: try to guess what they said, give up on guessing what they said, decide what I’d choose to eat at McD’s if forced to, and not read the article at all before commenting exactly that list to said friend. Said comment list went something like this: Haven’t read it yet – but these are the 5.. Read More
Glowlar eclipse tonight. Rain or shine, bishes.
Duh. For someone who enjoys sky-watching, I’m not very attuned to where I need to be for stuff. Granted, I’d been told the aurora might visit NOVA a few days ago – so I was justified in hanging out in the freezing windblown chill, waiting for a rain of illumination above (no cigar). But had I studied up a little more on the who, what, and when (I may’ve missed.. Read More