“Why don’t you just move back to the West coast?” I asked my mom recently over a tall soy latte of some sort. She and my dad have been living in the only childhood home I remember for the past 26 plus years or so. But they both always kinda wax nostalgic about their time in Northern California (especially this time of year when we’re entrenched in ice and the.. Read More
New Beauty and the Beast will cast… Emma Watson .___.
It always makes me nervous when they reinvent a classic. Especially a Disney flick. And especially since they’re casting Emma Watson to play Belle. I’ve nothing against the girl, but I just don’t trust her to do my favorite library whoring heroine justice. Then again, I’m not sure I’d trust anyone to do Belle justice. Or Ariel. Or Jasmine. But if I had to choose, I’d want someone who doesn’t.. Read More
Am I watching smut or a Sprite commercial?
I feel like commercials have just given up altogether lately. Granted, I don’t watch much T.V. (unless it’s a series or documentary OnDemand I’ve specifically sought out) much anymore, so it’s hard to know what the majority of stuff is out there. But between the shiz that manages to filter through my AdBlock somehow and the stuff that ends up on my Facebook feed because someone thinks it’s funny, I.. Read More
Why this amazing “Girls” episode might be my last.
I don’t think I ever really appreciated “Girls” fully until I saw Sunday’s episode. In fact, I may have to end the whole series on a high note and never watch it again after this scene: Sorry for the shit quality; I couldn’t find it on Youtube, so I had to ‘gram it. It’s loveable for the obvious reasons: a gay guy with amazing hair, zero filter, and a stereotypical.. Read More
Is it bad to bang an ex teacher if you’re 18?
VICE’s “I banged my high school teacher and it sucked” article was interesting… It shone this coruscating spotlight on that whole “fantasy vs reality” concept. Ya know, like the time we learned that Emma Watson is really a drag queen underneath: That’s a problem a lot of people have – distinguishing between fantasy and reality. We do it with public figures and movie characters and airbrushed images all the time.. Read More
#facebookdown causes another micropocalypse
So Facebook went down early the other morning (for like a millisecond). Instagram did too, apparently. And everyone handled it really, really well. Actually, I wasn’t present for the kerfuffle. But by the time I plugged in and caught the slew of “news” stories covering #facebookdown’s aftermath (and all the corresponding Facebook posts – ‘cause it was back online, finally, an eternity of five minutes later), I really did feel.. Read More
Is GQ right about porn being wrong?
I love new things. Not consumer goods, mind you. More like new experiences. Interruptions in the norm. Reminders that I’m still alive and have (at least in some quantum form) free will in this life. A new hobby. A new genre of music. A new route home. A new yoga pose. My brain loves novelty. Which is why this GQ piece on “don’t watch porn” interested me – particularly when.. Read More
And now for a list of terrifying sex toys.
Today, I learned what a “Vajankle” was. I can’t show you the picture. Because even when they’re depicted in silicone form, I’m pretty sure the WordPress overlords frown on photographs depicting feet with built-in snatches at the superior stump portion. So, instead, I’ll just let you marinate on that description, click here at your discretion, or just use your imagination to figure out what this novelty item’s for. As ever,.. Read More
Korean girls trying American snacks (video)
As a yes-and to my Brits-getting-fat-in-America diet, comes this fantastic video: I didn’t make it through the whole thing (cue Sweet Brown meme). But about halfway through, you start to get a really good idea of just what our food’s done to us. Koreans who’ve never had the pleasure of dining on the SAD (Standard American Diet) try some of our most iconic snackfoods – from pop tarts to Twizzlers.. Read More
Cafe Ve-run-a: drinking joe pre-gym.
Two things are for sure in my life. Coffee. And coffee. Okay, three: and… cardio. Both the liquid A.M. pick me up and my kicks kickin’ up dirt and sweat have proven equally addictive pastimes for me. In fact, the coffeemaker on my counter hasn’t taken a holiday since the day we met. Even that one when I said I was going to quit cold turkey. (“I just… need to.. Read More