6 Things to do in Buffalo when you’re snowbound

Jesus, Mary, and Snowseph, winter’s here in a big way, already! I’m not in New York or anything, but as we share the same coast and aren’t that far apart, I had to admit these snappies of the flakey downpour in Buffalo certainly had me checking my calendar to make sure it’s still only November. Do we usually start the ice works this early? Or at least, this much? Now.. Read More

Change, for change’s sake!

I was still in bed when I read the email saying work payments were moving to a new app. That was my initial reaction. See, the app, which I’ve since begun using and fallen in passive lust with (‘cause it does all the work for you), is a fast cash program put out by Square. And while I’m thus far really, really, really enjoying its benefits, the morning I got.. Read More

Some mysteries go unsolved for a reason

It’s fun turning on a paranormal “unsolved mystery” Youtube video and arousing my fear-ection. You know what’s more fun, though? Debunking that shiz. I always come into these videos donning my labcoat and geek specs, armed with a clipboard of notes to take to the Wizard of Snopes after my individual research and observations have been made. Generally, I can just do that – or pause and Google to see.. Read More

Pity the fool.

You know, I’ve long liked this quote that I initially heard in Amelie: But recently, for some reason, I realized it’s only half true – like it’s missing something. You’re a fool for looking at the finger which points at the sky – if the sky is on fire, raining knives, or blanketed with an Independence Day sized saucer of creatures who mean to eat us up and shit us.. Read More

9 ways life would improve if it emulated AdventureTime

A year ago I started watching AdventureTime. Then I stopped somewhere mid-season 1. I couldn’t for the life of me remember why I’d stopped seeing this epic show – until I took it up again this past month. And that reason is because it’s so good that it’s not only highly addictive, but also has a million and one things we all need to learn from (so much so that.. Read More

NASA pays dude to do nada for three months.

So, NASA’s paying someone to lay down for three months. As fun as remaining in a catatonic torpor may sound, I invite you all to think about the reality of how bad this’d suck if you actually did it. Remember that scene in the movie Se7en? No, not the memorable one with the bound up fatty (who totally could’a broken those restraints and eaten his captor to escape). And not.. Read More

SICK of you taking my mothaloving SPACE on this mothaloving TRAIN

I enjoy moving around. Stretching, yoga, gesticulating unnecessarily while talking. You know where I enjoy doing it? Where it’s acceptable and doesn’t infringe on folk. Usually. You read the room and process the acceptability level. Usually excluded from this list are crowded planes, trains, or automobiles. The reason for this is because when you’re splaying your limbs every which way around close-quarter strangers as you’re all being herded from point.. Read More

Are “smaller schools” the cure for the common clique?

High school tyrants. From “Heathers” to “Clueless” to “Mean Girls”, we’ve seen that “snotty clique” theme repeat. And we love these Hollywood narratives for their half-truths and hyperbolic representations. Because suffering and teen angst – much like the prospect of death – is always so much easier to bear when we make a parody of it for our own entertainment. LiLo’s flick, for instance, came out in 2004 – when.. Read More

50 Shades of Grey? More like 50 Shades of trailer.

I don’t just mean “trailer” because it’s trashy. I mean there’ve been like 50 trailers already. Finally, I caved and watched the latest – with the parts of my eyes that weren’t rolling. I’ve gotta say, they really effed up a potentially good thing – and I feel like it’s mostly to do with the casting choices. With a book that’s sold so many copies, couldn’t they have afforded to.. Read More

Homeless: Stop and help? Or stop helping?

Okay, this isn’t the first time I’ve seen this kind of story on the news: But something bothered me on a couple different levels as I was watching the piece. While I couldn’t quite put my finger on it at first, I think a lot of it has to do with the way the story’s being shared on the media. First, I suppose something about innocent-till-proven-guilty makes sharing their personal.. Read More