I’m not the only geek who loves seeing TED talks. But I may be the only one who binge watches their more comically toned ones. (Today’s marathon – brought to you by the Youtube sidebar). After finishing the spoofed out improv bit that trolled TED attendees (and then the interwebs too by pretending to be a real thing), I wandered on over to this one done by the dude who.. Read More
Plastic bubbles are the new hazmat suit. So hot (zone) right now.
I had a strange dream last night – about my town being quarantined. My personal dreamweaver is pretty shitty most of the time at offering context. So, I have to assume that this quarantine that was taking place was the direct result of the recent contagion style fear sweeping the country in the form of these sporadic cases of Ebola and idiots bringing it in. Hopefully being town-bound won’t have.. Read More
Eyeroll Sunday: trolled again.
I might start to make “Eyeroll Sunday” a thing. At least until I find a day of the week that it alliteratively pairs better with. Because I take getting trolled personally. When it involves my creative vanity. Really – you can compliment or mock my fitness, my boobs, my dazzling smile or even my obviously impeccable taste for fashion (obvious in my capacity to rock a uniform of running tights,.. Read More
Hating on my favey designers deservedly: “Clothes by any other name…”
You know, I always loved using high fashion to get people to think I’m relevant and matter as a human being as much as the next person. But, in the past five years or so, I’ve noticed: when I don’t like my up-till-now designer’s latest look, I can’t lie to myself or you by wearing it or even saying something nice about their ugly ensembles on deck for next season… Read More
Bar challenges patrons to survive socializing sans smartphone.
“Bar Creates Custom Glasses To Curb Cell Phone Use”. Mhmm. Mmkay. Intrigued enough to click. I’ll bite. Yeah. More’a this. I mean, it doesn’t take much meandering through my site to know I’m exactly one and a half Miley “news” updates away from moving into a treehouse and growing out a wedding train of arm pit hair for my jungle prince visitors to Rapunzel up and repel down. And that.. Read More
Airport human trafficking tips to be “Taken” into account.
Most people I know have seen “Taken”. But unfortunately most weren’t “taken” aback on an IRL level. Maybe it’s that the subject matter’s reality seems so far removed. Or because human trafficking is one of those uncomfy things we all gloss over as we scroll down the news feed. Like the Time article I just read that offers tips on how to spot a possible victim at an airport. It’s.. Read More
Jump Dispersal: Another Darwinian win.
It’s almost strange to think there was a time that evolution wasn’t widely accepted. As ya know, other stuff. (But only in that looking-back-at-Steve-Jobs-present-WiFi-for-the-first-time-in-1999 sort of way.) People didn’t know any better. While religious zealots were the ones who most saw it as a steaming batch of blasphemy in Darwin’s day, the scientific community also wasn’t that open to it initially. Then, as he carried on with his work, it.. Read More
Applied psych: keeping fammy secrets vs. Kendra Wilkinson approach.
Wow. Mindblowing story in a retro Psychology Today issue on “little detectives” – kids who uncover their parents awful lies, secrets, and scandals. It also reminded me about this Kendra Wilkinson story that popped up on Facebook the other day (more on that down the page) and made me do a mental about-face about the concept of sharing hard truths with your kids (versus keeping family secrets). It’s comforting to.. Read More
This improv TED talk is errrraythang.
I don’t know what I like better. This flashmob style staged TED Talk I just watched (even though it was done like two years ago) – or the heaps of people who are so bad at situation reading that they didn’t realize it was fake. Either way, I really needed this thing today and you might too. If the pure absurdity doesn’t get you (about the idea of dancing phantoms.. Read More
Another Steve Jobs biopic? iprefer IRL vids.
“Leonardo Dicaprio backs out of role for Steve Jobs movie…” I read this headline that had hacked its way into my Facebook newsfeed somehow with about as much interest as I would any other celebrity update. However, I’d be remiss if I didn’t admit that my gut reaction response to being force fed this “news” was… “Wait… could that be because he realized he was casted for a movie that’d.. Read More