Science unmasked Jack The Ripper! Kind of!

Yay! They caught the bad guy! From one point million and five hundred years ago! That’s right, boys and girls. Before Bundy or Dahmer or Kuklinski or whatever other morbid icons I’ve left out, there was Jack the Ripper. Except – they never figured out who this guy shredding up the flesh of whores was. Until now. So get ready for me to cash in my Image GIF card for.. Read More

Mothman prophecies on Floridian poison “puss caterpillar”

Do you live in Florida? Have you seen this guy? Authorities warn: do not engage this individual should you encounter him. Although the furry fish-like land sliding creature may educe from you coos of “Awww. I wanna pet”, science strongly suggest you refrain from acting on those feelings. Despite the seemingly inviting dog-like exterior on this particular caterpillar, one stroke of its coat would land you in the kind of.. Read More

You’re too hot to give fckks out for free

Ever read something in public that makes you GOL? I don’t mean “laugh out loud”, but guffaw? One of those mortifying chortles as you lose yourself in the delicious ironic laughter after reading a poorly done piece in a published magazine? Like the three point explanache I just read on why hot people don’t have it that good? So screw ’em? The three main bullet points went thusly: 1. “Super.. Read More

Bill O’Reilly tells black people how to win at being American

Alright, class. Let’s all start our day with a collective eyeroll. While watching Bill O’ Reilly via Russell Brand’s “Trews” (only way I can manage to watch Bill), I tried my hardest to get past his caustic manner enough to hear his actual message regarding his belief about the non-existence of “white privilege”. You can call things whatever they like. I won’t take offense to it just because the adjective.. Read More

Your brain needs 5 good things to cancel 1 bad thing. Here’s 10.

Is it just me, or is it miserable in here? Yes and no. It’s you. It’s me. It’s the guy sitting next to me – and everyone else who’s trying to get through life on this rock ball. If you read my recent article on fear-pheromones perpetuating pain, you might be remembering it now. But the yes-and to this that I just learned yesterday is that it’s also possibly… genetic… Read More

Tis the season to be squeezin’… into skinny jeans

It’s already September. Which means we all have to ask ourselves: Are we ready for skinny jean season? I was born ready, bish. Sure, Fall’s here. But if you’re like me, you might be living somewhere in which the pagan gods are still blessing you with an Indian Summer…. Native American Summer. …still warm weather. Which means we still have time – so don’t stow those breathable bottoms just yet… Read More

Pessi-mist: sniffing out the link between physical and mental ouchies

I saw this article in Psychology Today and thought, “I already read and wrote about this.” Actually, I hadn’t. It was something close – how physical pain and emotional pain following social rejection are similar. In fact, so similar are they, that in the study carried out, an over-the-counter analgesic like Motrin (meant to solve physical pain, obv) also served to mitigate painful emotional responses in chicks. As a yes-and.. Read More

I’m green with…

I’ve never understood the term “green with envy”. If ever colors and feelings had associations (which if you’re a synesthetic or into the whole chakra-balancing thing, mayhaps they do), green is the least jealous-bish inducing shade I can think of. On the contrary, it’s one of the few rare things that can make me think, “I should be a little bit nicer to everyone I keep saying I love before.. Read More

Spider smiting: A working guide to working out outdoors

When it comes to jogging in the gym o’ mother nature, awareness is key. That’s if you want to come home in a better stat than – or at least the same as – when you left the house. If you’re not careful, roots can trip you, branches can stab you, and so on. And that’s why I love it. It forces me into awareness. If I’m having an otherwise.. Read More

A man called Max is moving to Mars. Permanently.

I’ve always said I’d like to do a bit of space travel. But moving to Mars indefinitely? Becoming an Outkast of planet blue skies and bird-chirps… permanently? You crazy? Maybe, but for this dude Max, it’s been his life goal and dream since youth. Now 26, he’s got a shiz ton of astro-college experience of varying levels and science degrees under his belt. He even studied at a micro gravity.. Read More