Why are occult accusations about the “all seeing eye” such BS? 1. TOO OBVIOUS. They wouldn’t show spooky mysterious documentaries on T.V. (much less the entertainment channel) called “secret societies”. Seriously. The Internet is one place to share conspiracy theories. Television, I imagine, would be a little more closely guarded, observed, and controlled if some faceless power hungry force were gearing up for a new world order on the shoulders.. Read More
Eye of Ho[r]cus – Secret Society (P.3)
So, wait. All these symbols we’ve been calling occult mean celebs…just… meditate? That’s boring. Why not just say so then? WHY SO MYSSSSTEERIOUS? Same reason you don’t spout off about your religion. That, and greed, maybe. We know this gland can make us more awake and aware. It can make us read other people better too. But it takes a little work. Like acquiring gold. That makes it rare. So,.. Read More
Fractured glass from the same lamp.
Mindy Kaling’s so cute. Yesterday, I saw her interview with Rainn Wilson for metaphysical milkshake (fun, paradoxical series in that it’s happening in the back of a child molester van, yet the aim is usually something inspiring about spirituality). Anyway, there was this one part that stuck with me. Mindy indicates she doesn’t “get” abstract art. She totally doesn’t mean it in a snobby or disinterested way. Actually, she wishes.. Read More
Fendi-Shui: Purse Placement Psychology
I’m hurting and half conscious when I float like a ghost into my morning physical therapy appointments. So, when the tech keeps taking my purse and putting it on a chair or table, I never get why she’s doing it. And I never ask questions either – because I dunno why I always put it on the floor. Yesterday I found out. “PURSE ON FLOOR IS MONEY OUT THE DOOR”.. Read More
Demamp is divine (Workaholics)
Let’s take a break from cerebral musings for a while, shall we? That’s right. We gon’ lighten shit up with a television show. Now, then: Can we please talk about Workaholics? I never have a chance to actually watch these episodes on T.V. Actually, I’m lying. I have the time, but I’m just too easily distracted and I end up doing something else instead and missing this comedic gold that.. Read More
Eureka Effect: What IS that?
“Eureka!” -said no one ever in this century. Probably. Seriously, I don’t even think the people in labs who score scientific wins say that anymore. They probably say “Fckkk ya!” coupled with a couple victory fist pumps during those “aha!” moments when the results support the hypothesis or a solution becomes crystal clear. However, after Archimedes ran from the public bath with the same brainblowing epiphany about density that bores.. Read More
Eureka Effect: What that IS.
(Eureka Effect, continued): Apparently, the “Eureka Effect” is actually a two phase process. And it’s not the process that’s so complicated – it’s us. We overthink the shit. First, we’re at an impasse – we think we’ve explored all the possibilities and say dumb contradictory shit like “I know for a fact it’s in the house, but I’ve looked everywhere” when we misplace our keychain. This thought and verbal affirmation.. Read More
Tea, Serenity, and Jason Voorhees
After kicking scripts outta my medicine cabinet, my tea cabinet kicked its game up a notch. Specifically, it took on a life of its own for the past five and a half months. It started out simply enough: some chamomile, the seasonal pumpkins, peppermints, and chai. Then, as my newfound unsullied senses began to heighten, I found myself rediscovering the tea aisle of Wegmans all over again. I was just.. Read More
Monkey gone to heaven in comment hell
I know that I’ve been inundated with too much iphone and internet when I start to write (I mean actually write – pen to paper) and I look for the microphone icon on the page of my notebook. It’s also a sign I’ve been spending too much time Stumbling or Youtubing or Facebooking when I sit down to enjoy a nice episode of “Hitler’s Henchman” (or whatever it’s called) on.. Read More