Going out of the town for once in my life. Don’t get too excited – it’s not even going to be for 24 hours. Zonked out earlier today after chores and I need to “for real” sleep soon so that I can wake up early and finish le laundry list. As I mentioned earlier on FB, my “to-do list is as long as a Lord of the Rings Movie”. But.. Read More
Is That Even Possible?!
A Tom Cruise one-liner from a mediocre movie called “Knight and Day” was brought to my attention of recent via (what else but) Facebook. “No one follows us or I kill myself and then her!” Hah! Did you get it? Did you get it?! Well, Clarity Claire who commented on the trailer sure did. Subsequently, Claire supplemented her astute observation with a question. Naturally, I felt obligated to step in.. Read More
Cicada vs. Katydid: What’s the diff?
Ah, the sweet smells, sunshine, and sounds of imminent summer. Except – you know – without the warm enough weather to actually open the pools on Memorial Day weekend. (insert disclaimer here about full realization regarding the importance of the pools or their openings to the public paling in comparison to the real importance of memorial day) Anyway, back to the sounds of summer. As the hooplah about noisy bug.. Read More
WTF did I just watch? (“Upstream Color” for dummies)
If you’re here, you might have just Googled “Uh… What was Upstream Color about?” That, or you’re just an amazing person who frequents my page for funsies. If the latter’s true (and if you just read my previous blog), you know I like film and this entry might not be your bag. Upstream Color premiered at IFC this year, left people head-scratching, etc. Anyway, if you’ve a couple free hours.. Read More
Film vs. Flick – What’s the diff?
Don’t you just adore those hipster snobs who sit back in their fedoras and scoff at you for not knowing the difference between a “movie” and a “film”? Like they’re so French New Wave… whatever that means. Yeah – no – I get that. I mean, I used to eyeroll at the same thing – until I saw my first few “films” at the end of high school/start of college… Read More
Birthdays Malaise
Calm down. Calm down. You didn’t miss it. It’s not here yet (thank goodness). However, as that foreboding “halfway point” (between my last birthday and the next one) came and went, I realized two things. The first? There’s definitely an inverse relationship between the accelerating speed of time between these menacing milestones and… your metabolism. The second? This: Hmmm. Well, I gave optimism a shot and was promptly cock-blocked by.. Read More
Retro-Rents – Ode to Mom & Dad through pictures.
Dear Mom & Dad Between Mother’s and Father’s day, I wanted to celebrate you both as a couple. Hallmark never made a day for that (likely so that they could capitalize on making money off two different days, spaced barely a season apart). Anyway, my blog is usually quasi-comical or current trendy events, but I wanted to add this ode-poem for you both after our visit the other day. I.. Read More
Tag! Is 15 year old YOU in any of these snappies?
Hi there 🙂 If you were linked to this, you probably have that same “Oh shit… How bad did I look?” feeling we all had a million years ago when we finally got back a pack of party pics from the weekend. This was when you’d have to wait at least an hour to see if a “retake” was needed, had to buy a whole new roll of film to.. Read More
Abercrombie CEO Mike Jeffries.
Alright. Before we get this party started, let’s start with some laugh candy from forever ago (compliments of Mad TV) to show that this Abercrombie hoopla is nada new: Now, then… Although Abercrombie CEO Mike Jeffries is press-shy and your info on him might be limited to the few interviews he’s deigned to deliver (or more likely just a few memes floating around with a quote about how he’s ostracized.. Read More
Where in the world is Carmen Sandiego… when you need her?
Jesus, my geography is awful. No, really. This isn’t a woe-is-me thing. Like, I seriously hated it in middle and high school (along with history) because my teachers taught both terribly- either reading from a book back into the book, at a projector screen in the dark facing away from the class, or from their notes with all the inflection and enthusiasm of Ben Stein on Qualudes. All were perfect.. Read More