When I hear something like “computer tricks man into thinking it’s 13 year old boy”, I can’t help but be extremely curious about the surrounding context

(I always wondered if they hired him because he looks like a perfect mix of Ted Bundy and Ryan Seacreast[‘s former face]?)

Apparently, a robot at University of Redding passed the “Turing Test”.

Named after Alan Turing, the test can only be passed if 30 percent of judges cannot distinguish its responses from a real human being.

Indeed, the bot called Eugene (titled after one half of its co-creators) just beat this figure by three percent when it convinced judges it was a 13 year old human child.

“I’m a real boy!”
(Something similar happens on pedobear’s end of the computer when he reads that line too #twinsies)

But many questions arise for me. Turing was extremely intelligent and predicted tech developments that did come to pass later on. But would he alter the test parameters to meet modern technology if we were here now? Also – how do they pick the judges (was there a good cross-section – like 13 year olds/peers)? Speaking of age group – is it really effective at deciding “intelligence” if we’re talking about determining whether it’s a real child (versus an adult)?

That said, the actual motives behind making this technology are meant to do more useful things – like preventing computer crime.

“Oh! She’s doing it! She’s doing it!”
“Yeah, girl. Take those three digits off the back… nice and slow…”

Which is good because Detective Eugene can guard my card when I buy and enslave his cousin. Now, let’s close with some tasks I’m gonna have my child robot servant perform:

-Interact with all my friend. #yesssingular

-Organize my Facebook newsfeed updates – from funny up top to lugubrious *below.

-Delete the new *below section on my facebook newsfeed automatically.

-Delete or unfollow people for me (“Oh, that was my robot. I’ll have a word with him… and that word is THX”)

-Hide the comment disputes on Youtube (makes me nervous)

-Respond to text messages so I don’t have to both ask how someone’s doing and read the reply and respond #exhaustingjustthinkingofit

Any yes-and’s for this list are welcome.

Teamwork is great.

Plus we’ll all need eachother when our metal slave army starts trying to rebel.