14 year old squats for 4 days at WallyWorld

Now, that’s just impressive. A fourteen year old kid camping out in a Walmart for the better part of a week? I mean – the feat itself is impressive. First, I give him kudos for being able to remain not-caught for four whole days. Second, that’s some cognitive kung-fu of the gladiator genre if he was able to hole up in that portal to hell most people have to ride.. Read More


Remember back in grade school when we’d trade our goods? Lisa Frank stickers? Happy meal toys? Beanie Babies? Drugs? A kid recently made the news when he tried to trade his Adderall to his classmates for delicious Cheese-its. Far more epic than that actual attempted (reasonable, in my opinion) barter, was his mom’s response to the whole debacle. When asked to come speak to the school officials and authorities, she.. Read More

Schooled by a 5 year old rapper

Some days I try to write and all I can mine from my grey matter is fecal matter. While abandoning ship and leaving the computer is usually my self-advice, other days I know that it’s 100% just because I took a day off and am having trouble “getting back in the flow”. Just like anything else. Whether it’s working out or sexing up – if you’ve not done it for.. Read More