Who are you? Who cares!

I heard an interesting quote today: “There is no authentic self. Identity is always a work in progress” Hmmm… Not… bad. Just needs a few tweaks to not be wrong. What makes sense to me is this: First the “authentic self” and “identity” are two different animals. You can totally believe in an authentic self – so long as you also accept that there is no moment that matters except.. Read More

Get out of my dreams and into my bed.

Screw a mural that glows in the dark and rotates amidst the ceiling mirrors. I love that cosmic shiz so much… I want it in my bed. Especially after stumbling across this line of bedclothing that’s so ethereal looking, I’m still not sure if it glows in the dark or the designer’s just that good with white and neon contrast: Is it gaudy? Yes. Am I acting like I’m eleven.. Read More

Finally, psychedelics may be losing their stigma.

You may’ve seen my posts on DMT and magic mushrooms before. No? If not, my stance is essentially that psychedelics are an amazing untapped medical resource. And we’re ignoring that fact. Lemme clarify: Do I think people should be able to buy a pack of psilocybin like cigarettes, eat it all, and spend their Friday nights speeding down a freeway made of magma from laser eyed pterodactyls? No. Like weed.. Read More

Nap after latte? Why not!

I used to date a guy who would wake up in the morning, make a cup of coffee, drink about three quarters of it, and then faceplant back into the sheets he’d just left. I’d watch on in bewilderment, silently sipping my own morning joe and trying to process it all with a cocker spaniel cocked head. Then, I’d hear the muffled snoring into the bedclothes and wonder if I.. Read More

Here we go, Zudio

Ah, the holidays. It’s a fantastic time to get around the blood relatives and subconsciously dig up old memories from your youth – until they erupt in either vitriol or vocal cacophony of some other sort. Lucky for me, this year it was mostly the latter. (Although it wasn’t long before we became so vexing to mother that she stopped defiling the turkey carcass with the blade she was handling.. Read More

The Melancholia of clean living (letter to Lars)

So Lars von Trier (Dogville, Melancholia, etc.) got clean this year. Or that’s what he says. He’s just announced it after breaking his vow of silence (that followed some less-than-PC nazi comment he made). And now he’s telling the press he’s been in A.A. and staying clean. But now he’s having second thoughts because before recovery, he claims he required a bottle of vodka daily to help him enter a.. Read More

Dummy delinquent: car thief vs. building.

I’ll say it once more, and with feeling: If you’re gonna do a crime, do it right. Maybe you’ve read some of my other posts, and you already know I have one rule about committing crime: only do it if you’re smart enough to do it successfully. If you’re counterfeiting bills and putting them into circulation of the Taco Bell you own, then know how to play your employees better… Read More

I fux wit F.lux (2 day experiment with amber-lit devices)

I sleep in three hour increments at most. Every damned night. It’s to the point where I put off even laying down. Instead, I just sit up and think productive, philosophical thoughts about the universe. It doesn’t matter when I lay down – the story’s always the same. And I only have myself to blame. Because I know what I need to avoid doing to sleep better and I still.. Read More

Video game vampires

Volunteering time and service is hard enough. Volunteering my scarlet life oil that commutes through my body tubes each day? Psshhha. Don’t people get paid for that? I’m kidding. Kind of. And by that, I mean – that’s the first selfish thought that comes to my mind. And the second thought is “Yes. People get paid for that.” And then the third thought is: “Instead, I’ll just not press the.. Read More

Fired up over water

I drink a lot of water – but not enough, apparently. (^Good indication you’re either drinking enough water or too much coffee.) Truth is, if I had enough money, I’d probably get in the suggested three liters a day because I’d either buy out the Aquafina in the store (and be one of those parasites of the earth contributing to more of the plastic problem) or buy a reverse osmosis.. Read More