The grateful wrath

Anger is good for you? Insert eyeroll and inner monologue: “Now I’ve heard it all…” No, really. Anger apparently isn’t so bad – if you can figure out the “why” behind the wrath – and what to do about it. Ahem. Rephrase – what to productively do about it. I love wreaking havoc. In fact the empty cupboards once filled with now shattered china, are an epic testament to my.. Read More

Life hack analysis by cranky cat

I love useless nuggets of knowledge. You know who else loves them? Curmudgeonly cats. (That’s right. We don’t have to use the names or fonts they do. We’re adults! We do what we want!) So instead of hearing my musings about a page of bright ideas I’ve stumbled across, let’s see the infamously cross philosofurry’s critique on these questionably random reality challenge hacks. Great. This will help me when I.. Read More

Earth’s just a giant Truman Show. Let’s leave.

So, my buddy Richard used to tell me how he had those fleeting moments where he’d start to wonder “what if I’m in my own Truman show? And everyone’s watching me?” He’d usually get the feeling when something strange would happen here in reality. Neo: “There’s a glitch in the Matrix!!!!1” Tech Support: “I see. Have you tried turning it off and on again?” Like, if it’d be raining as.. Read More

Best vines in life are free, maaaan….

Original Video – More videos at TinyPic “Series?” Series-ly, subtitle dude? That’s not what she said at all. Try again, friend. I wasn’t gonna watch the Miss Lohan show, but after giving it a chance one night, I admittedly got sucked into the unforgivable reality docuseries void. It sorta offered another side of the Cady character from what I’ve heard and… well heard (I didn’t see much up until this.. Read More

The Event Horizon

When I worked in P.T., I’d try to help patients leave feeling better than they walked in. When I couldn’t, I’d subconsciously take their sadness home with me. Since I had a lotta pain of my own to deal with, by the day’s end I wasn’t about personal edification, talking to anyone, or helping any additional humans. My reality consisted of feeling badly when I couldn’t help someone and feeling.. Read More

Praise the Palcoholy Spirit: Powdered alcohol’s comin’

Remember that time Jesus turned water into alcohol? Me neither. But I hear it was pretty cool. I mean, the people who actually saw the Copperfield Cabernet action were impressed enough to scrawl it down in every language. And if you’re an attention seeker like me and desire that sort’ve adulation, you can do it too… …with the help of Palcohol. Palcohol is a fun innovation Bacchanalian-ventor Mark Phillips came.. Read More

Outrageous Acts of Science: Arboreal bulldozer

I’ve heard of people taking video games seriously, but…seriously? Football is just a game. And World of Warcraft (or whatever Treyarch MWXYZ is) is also just a game (a game where grown men and ten year olds alike verbally revile one another online in sweet anonymity – protected from anything other than invectives). But take an ex-football player who has settled for playing online video games after having left the.. Read More

127 hours for the 127millionth time

I remember the first time I saw 127 hours. And the second. And the fourteenth. It’s dumbfounding how a movie like this can be so captivatingly entertaining when it is centered on a single dude, stuck in a canyon. I mean, the only interaction the protagonist has the whole time with other human beings is when they’re doing the whole character development thing and showing what an ego driven badass.. Read More

Quiz: Would YOU die in a desert?

Results are in. I’d only ten percent get dead in the desert. Let’s see if you are any better ‘n me: The answer is B. Or 2. Shelter from the elements. It’s just as cold at night as it is boiling by day in the desert, so protection from the sizzling sun and hypothermic chill alike are of utmost importance. As you can see from the still, Franco is super.. Read More

So this is what Lady Gaga meant…

I never listened to the whole “Do What ya want wit mah baaawdy” song, but I get it now. I think. ‘cause Vogue and then Versace did exactly that – what ads do best – retouching her “baaawday” and eradicating blemishes until homegirl was unrecognizable. I’d ask why we all keep playing along and trying to emulate what’s fake. But I can’t. For two reasons: 1. I’m still totally addicted.. Read More