If I wrote an ode to my hometown, country style….

Despite ruining country music for myself, I keep trying to branch out and enjoy new songs within the genre. Ones my brain’s not yet marred by turning unassuming love songs into cannibalism campfire stories. But, unfortunately, creativity is a rapidly evolving autoimmune disorder. No sooner do I find something new and sweet and enjoyable like that song “Dirt” by that one group, and suddenly all I’m thinking about as I.. Read More

This 280 sq ft house is like a runaway luxury apartment

Dear God, I’d like to erase my whole life, start over, and spend it in this thing: Love, Ashley. Dear Ashley, I see you’re dreaming big. I told you to get out more. You see what happens when you spend too much time alone? We can’t save you now. No one can. Love, God Mayhaps the great cosmic force speaking to me through caffeine induced schizophrenic auditory hallucinations is right… Read More

I love that this guys loves vacuums as much as I do…

Requesting a vacuum cleaner this Christmas made me feel old, alone, and a bit insane. What made me feel worse? The dewey eyed excitement response I wasn’t expecting to have when I got it. And when I took it home. And when I turned into a floor-specific Cinderella…. But apparently, it’s not just old, solitary, possibly crazy folk who are into this stuff. Because this 14 year old kid called.. Read More

Is the “Gone Girl” “Cool Girl” a real thing?

What is this “cool girl” Gone Girl‘s car monologue (below) had me instantly pondering about it. And I was joined by a tonna other femmes for whom it instantly became blog fodder. In the film, we’re seeing her stripped of her gorgeous 50’s-Turner-Classic-vixen meets “hanging with the boys” style. Now she’s devolved. Reduced. Frumpy. Angry. She’s no longer that sexy woman with a secret – but openly scrolling vitriol onto.. Read More

Keep cruisin’ (or whatever transport metaphor for life you like.)

What’s your dream life you’re not living right now? Is it like mine? Living in luxury with a view of the ocean? That life is typically merely met only in either our daydreams or on nightly delta waves. But not for one woman. She’s living that life – not on delta pillow waves or Delta plane waves but on boat ridden waves of the actual ocean – compliments of Crystal.. Read More

Sexy British twins try diets to prove if fat or sugar’s worse.

Okay. Verdict’s in on “Which is worse for you: fat or sugar?” And the English Winklevoss twin doctors are here to ‘xplain: Ya know, at first, I hadn’t noticed this was a UK paper. So superficial me thought, “What hotties!” Then, crueler and ever worse superficial me (I’m beginning to think those two are the only sides I have) said “Oh, he said ‘stone’ instead of pounds; that means they’re.. Read More