Why are occult accusations about the “all seeing eye” such BS?


They wouldn’t show spooky mysterious documentaries on T.V. (much less the entertainment channel) called “secret societies”. Seriously. The Internet is one place to share conspiracy theories. Television, I imagine, would be a little more closely guarded, observed, and controlled if some faceless power hungry force were gearing up for a new world order on the shoulders of a 90 foot horned beast.



Some recoil in fear at the sight of all-seeing eye. People do that with the swastika too. Did you know the swastika used to mean “s’aaaaall good”? Before Hitler said “OMG! That’d look fantastic on my armband! And it’d totes tie my reich together!”

Similarly, that all-seeing eye comes from ancient Egypt. When it was drawn, they called it the “eye of Horus”. Scholars believe it was modeled after the pineal gland in our brain (AKA “The Third Eye”).

Not a ton is published about this lil bit of brain meat. However, some cool facts about it include that it’s got actual rods and cones (like your visible eyeballs have) and – get this – if it’s stimulated, it can actually release DMT!

Yeah, dude!

DMT is a drug commonly used to expand consciousness. Ugh… “expand consciousness”. I know. That term got bastardized by hippies copulating on grassy knolls as dreams of revolution got lost between the floating photons they could suddenly see.


But what really happens when you release DMT, is you reach a higher level of awareness, understanding, empathy, and overall well-being. Unless you eat too much.

Then you just shit yourself.

Anyway, that (with mysticism ancients believed it might harbor), earned it the name “Spirit Molecule”. But, like the senior quarterback you spent prom night in the backseat with, I promise to go slow – I’ll keep it to topics you can swallow with regions of your mind that don’t resemble Nefertiti’s peepers. Let’s just say, we could all feel awesomer than we do, if we could put our pineal to work.

Recap: Spooky eye’s just a symbol. It reps a part of your brain that can make you feel and act happy. It was misappropriated along the way. You can turn it on through meditation, binaural frequencies, or flying to a foreign land and eating it with a Shaman. Lotsa options.

CARING IS SHARING (pictures of yourself on IG)

So, why doesn’t everyone do it? Many moons ago, ancient folks had walls with pictures too. Since they were less user friendly and more creative, things like experimenting with the cool shit your body and mind can do were hot ticket items. Whether the pineal gland could cause telepathy or just x-treme empathy that helps you read people better, either’s a far cry from the loveable “Loookit me… #SELFIE” frankensociety.

Wait – anyone ever see that Bradley Cooper movie?

Ermagerd!!1 The hernd sernnn!
Ermagerd!!1 The hernd sernnn!

Where he eats a pill and becomes exponentially more aware?

Notice how the first epiphany he has is to ask the chick nagging him what’s going on in her life? Instead’a getting defensive, he asks her why she’s upset. He remembers people are assholes when they’re sad inside. He helps her out.

Dude, how sad is it when empathy’s… a superpower?