Ohhh. Let’s paint eachother’s toes and talk secret societies.

Much like the something-awful implantation of horrid rappers into pop songs, it’s hard to find a pop music viddy sans imagery people call “occult” or “illuminati”. Go Youtube your favorite betch blowing notes and the comment section’s littered with accusations of the satanic persuasion.

Don’t get me wrong here. I totally believe there’s more to social constructs than meets the all-seeing-eye. It’s just not so mystical. It’s more like a magnificent magic-trick distraction. I mean, where the inverse relationship between advancement of technology and critical thinking leave off, fear mongering stories bred in a petri dish of conjecture agar take over.

This is pretty effective.

But what’s the distraction from? No secret. Just the simple spiritual (not religious) stuff you could be doing instead that don’t involve being “plugged in”. When people realize these moments and try to share it, though, it’s received with that look of, “Ah…shouldn’t’a drunk the Kool Aid at Wanderlust, buddy.”


I remember the first time I learned to think stuff like Eastern methods were ridiculous. I was watching “Clarissa Explains it All” and her mom was in some flowy garb saying she was “focusing on her navel” – to the delight of the sardonic canned laughter. “These paid people and their prerecorded laughter think it’s dumb, so everyone must! Avoid – lest I look effing stupid too!”

Is the boogie man real? Sure, he lives in your head and goes by the name of “fear”. Fear eternal hellfire. Fear demons possessing you. Fear some imagery because conspiracy theorists told you to. Were you afraid of your soul being eaten when you were too young to understand what “Eat my body and blood” meant? What if you’d been plucked up and raised in a different religion when you were that young? What would you be afraid of then? It’d be different, wouldn’t it?

I tend not to believe the more bullshitty hocus pocus focus. Here’s why.