It’s interesting what beverages people aren’t willing to live without.

For me, it’s tea and coffee.

For most people I know, that bottle glass of vino is vital at the day’s end for sanity maintenance.

What’s even more interesting is some of the studies that surface defending over-indulging. I’m all for the daily unwind. Do what you gotta do if it’s not disruptive to everyone around you. But don’t pass off ill advice as science, my dude. Some “alcohol expert” made the claim that “a bottle a day” of good old fashioned fermented grape drank is…(wait for it)… healthy.

Not that I wasn’t already hesitant to believe this breaking news in science – but the fact that he drew on his “vast years of experience” really sealed the deal for me.

Next to be analyzed? Coffee (I get excited just typing it). Apparently, a study of people who increased their coffee intake decreased their chances of Type 2 diabetes by 11%. People who quit, apparently raised their chances by 17%.

Reason enough for me!


Then again, I’d probably believe that even if the “alcohol expert” had run that test, too. So don’t trust me.

Likewise, green tea – which has a fraction of the caffeine my morning cup(ssss) of Sumatra does – not only has the obvious health benefits, but reportedly improves brain function. They shoved a bunch of green tea down some subjects’ gullets and MRI’d them while giving them tasks. The results? Better task completion and better synaptic activities all over the brain compared to the control group.

Overall assessment?

Science only goes so far and it’s always changing. One second broccoli’s cancer’s cure. The next it’s its cause. Our best bet is looking at what someone healthy’s doing and doing that.

Maybe a little coffee does the blood sugar good, but with all the effing cream and sugar I load mine up with – I’m pretty sure it does the exact opposite.

As for wine – even if a bottle o’ Sauv. Blanc was the new “organic” and e’eryone swore by it, I’d have to pass – before I was passing out.

On floors.

Of model homes.

That I was throwing Charlie Sheen parties in.

After breaking in through the doggy door.

(Because if one’s good, six must be better.)

And as for green tea? YEP.

It’s one green drink I don’t need to do a bunch of work to enjoy.


But it sure as shit makes me wanna do work once it kicks in.

Plus, the study was done with the equivalent of 7 cups of green tea.

So in defense of my addictive personality proclivities…

…maybe more is better…