design – Miss Ashley Pants

Home hacks assessed by cranky cat

Change is tough. But wasting change to make changes is a horse of a different design (I feel like that’s what the idiomatic phrase should really be – I mean what else could they be referring to than a zebra? What horse is more unique than a zebra?). And speaking of designs, that’s why yesterday, when I documented my design demi-makeover, I explained that it’d take some world class worldwideweb.. Read More

Feng Shui for inspection day

I did a grand spring cleaning. It was inspired by this cathartic, domestic urge to purge my domicile of- Okay. Can’t lie. It was kinda required. We all got this goddamned inspection notice a few weeks back – the day before apartment inspection was due to happen. And being imbued with false pride and a desperate need to keep up an illusory appearance of perfection, I cancelled all of my.. Read More