Naps for memory lapse

Are you suffering from sleep deprivation? Groggy? Not alert? Forgetting shiz? Slowly losing grip of reality? Nope. You can’t be trusted. Such is Science Christ’s new commandment, at least. A U.C. Irvine recently got a bunch of kids – half who’d surfed a healthy delta-wave sea the night before and half a little more worse for wear – and had them watch a video of a man stealing a wallet… Read More

Natal nostalgia and dumb babies

Remember that movie from the 90’s where the babies all talked in a secret language? And were super smart? And the government found out and took them to Area 51 to perform torturous and cruel experiments? Although I may have one small part of the plot confused, I totally remember seeing this in theaters. I was just a kid myself, but I remember having an Angelica a la Rugrats meets.. Read More