I used to think how unrealistic it was of me to wish life was more like my favorite flicks.

Well, obviously it is ridiculous, thematically speaking (seeings as Judd Apatow’s characters never end up having monsters come out of a well with Cousin It faces or their legs on backwards). Oh, and equally preposterous is the respectful dialogue aspect; people never wait for the other person finish saying a line (much less digest what they just said). Anyway, what isn’t so far-fetched is injecting the visually stylistic element into our lives. You’ll likely never get to hear an awesome soundtrack start up after you get asked on a date to accompany the montage (that also won’t happen) as you enthusiastically try on dresses for it. Yeah, that won’t happen… but wouldn’t you at least love to see life like it’s all bathed in cozy colors?


I’m thinking Instagram should come out with a line of contact lenses to let us peer perpetually at the world through our filter of choice. You could buy the whole set and match them with your mood! Happy? Rock the Hefe lenses! Miserable and want to wallow? Stick in some Sutros as you underline meaningful phrases from your copy of “Moby Dick”.

Possible Tagline: “Imbue your view with a new hue”
